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GAZi Laktosefrei unbeschwert genießen GAZi Laktosefrei unbeschwert genießen
GAZi Laktosefrei unbeschwert genießen GAZi Laktosefrei unbeschwert genießen

GAZİ Lactose-free –
experience freedom!

For a good gut feeling. For everyone who prefers or needs lactose-free. For everyone who does not want to do without anything. Our GAZİ yoghurt, white cheese and kashkaval products are your best friends. Just like our original – but "free from"!

Are you interested in carefree, lactose-free enjoyment? If so, click or swipe through our products, your gut will love them!

GAZi Laktosefrei Inspiration Rezepte Joghurt GAZi Laktosefrei Inspiration Rezepte Joghurt

What actually is ...

Milk sugar (lactose)?

Milk sugar (lactose) is found in all types of milk (e.g. cow’s, sheep’s, or goat’s milk) and products made from them. Lactose is an important energy supplier and has a positive effect on the intestinal flora. The lactose content of fermented milk products is low. Depending on the degree of maturity, hard, semi-hard and soft cheese is low in lactose or in some cases lactose-free.

Lactose intolerance?

People who are lactose intolerant lack the enzyme lactase, which is responsible for breaking down milk sugar. Lacking the enzyme means that the lactose arrives undigested in the deeper parts of the intestines and is there metabolised by bacteria. This gives rise to the following symptoms: nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, indigestion, intestinal cramps.

For people with lactose intolerance, GAZİ offers various products in which the milk sugar has already been split into its components glucose and galactose during the production process.

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