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GAZİ Ayran –
who knew drinking yoghurt could be this refreshing?

Good things come in threes: yoghurt, water, and salt. Those are all the ingredients that our Ayran needs. Perfect for all those who love a pure, authentic, and refreshing drink. Ayran is the perfect accompaniment for a kebab or a barbecue, in the summer, during a break – it’s fresh and delicious, just what you need. It’s always the right time for a GAZİ Ayran!

And don’t forget: an Ayran is best served shaken, not stirred! Swipe or click through and give it a try today!

Tasty and creative recipes with our Ayran!

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We're totally into Ayran!

Do you value it too? Then you will be interested in this: we provide refreshment right in the city centre! Our GAZİ Ayran Mobile regularly goes on tour!

Find our Ayran Mobile

GAZi Ayran Mobil on tour Banner Striche
GAZi Ayran Mobil on tour


Ayran is more than just a delicious, refreshing drink, it is also an excellent, healthy choice when consumed as part of a natural, balanced diet. It delivers valuable bacteria to your intestinal flora, contains plenty of minerals for healthy bones and nerves, and of course is rich in protein. Ayran is our sports drink, as the salt content is great for topping up your electrolytes after an intense workout.

So what are you waiting for – shake it, baby!

Food-inspo all night long


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