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GAZİ Sheep Cheese –
no compromises.

Our Sheep Cheese is one-of-a-kind and that’s exactly how it tastes. It is made using traditional methods only, from 100% pure sheep’s milk. You can taste the quality and the typical mild spicy flavour from the very first bite. It doesn’t get any better than this.

Discover the variety of our Sheep Cheese. Which tastes better – in brine or packaged? Swipe and click through and find out!

Discover our tasty soft cheese with cow’s or goat’s milk

Our White Cheese
for me, my family & friends

Everybody’s darling – whether for cooking or baking: Our white cheese adds a particularly creamy touch to soooo many recipes in different sizes and variations. Love it or leave it!

Love it

GAZi Klassik Hirtenkäse Banner Verpackungen
GAZi Klassik Hirtenkäse Banner Käseschale

Our Goat Cheese?
There’s nothing to bleat about there!

All goat or what? Of course With its subtle spicy flavours, you can really spice up your dishes. You will immediately taste and love the creamy difference with GAZİ Goat Cheese. And what about your family and guests? Guaranteed they will too!

Soooo tasty

GAZi Ziegenkäse Banner Weichkäse
GAZi Ziegenkäse Produkte

Tasty and creative recipes with our Sheep Cheese!

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